Sunday 8 March 2009

Hangin with Hamish

Hamish may not be famous in Europe, but he's makin waves here on Magnetic Island off the Queensland coast - literally. Hamish is a Category 5 Hurriane who threatened to put a real dampener on my week of r'n'r with my family in Oz. Happily for us, he's moving south towards the Whitsundays and may wreak havoc on infinitely more glitzy Hayman Island. Guess he'll be voting Labor in the forthcoming State elections...


jamie said...

YUCK! Good luck with that! Saw that on the news and it didn't look very pretty.

jamie said...

Hey Fred! I just met another Londoner and I'm encouraging him to make the ride from Dalat to Nha Trang. If you see this, would you e-mail me the company you used and your guide's name, if you remember it? That would be great! Thanks!!!